
Showing posts from September, 2023

10 Holiday Marketing Ideas To Increase Online Sales

The holiday season is here, and with it comes flash sales, custom packaging, discounts, and free shipping. This is a golden opportunity for both marketers and holiday enthusiasts. E-commerce stores and online marketers can capitalize on this season which starts from October and lasts until December, where online shopping, research, and spending increase significantly. Key Holiday Retail Stats:  In 2018, holiday retail sales surpassed $1 trillion.  The average American shopper spent $846 million on gifts in 2018.  E-commerce played a massive role with spending reaching $123.73 million. Impactful Online Marketing Stats:  880 percent of shoppers are influenced by the internet, especially search engines.  76 percent of online shoppers change their minds about purchasing after online research.  64 percent of smartphone shoppers conduct mobile searches before visiting stores.  68 percent of shoppers turn to YouTube for purchase decisions.  Bid prices increase by 140 percent during holidays.

Google’s Bert Update - What You Need To Know

Google recently introduced the BERT update, a significant but somewhat unnoticed change. Many SEO providers worldwide, including those in Indore, are uncertain about its impact on content marketing and SEO. Google claims BERT will affect 1 in 10 queries and aims to improve the relevance of search results. What is Google’s BERT Update? BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) uses neural networks to enhance natural language processing in search results. It helps Google understand human communication patterns. Initially, it was live for English queries and later expanded to 70 languages. How Google BERT Will Work? BERT understands word nuances and context, particularly for longer, more conversational queries. It processes words before and after a term, improving context interpretation. For example, it can distinguish between "traveler to USA" and "U.S. citizen traveling to Canada." What Google Has to Say? Google aims to improve language understan

Voice Search SEO: Capturing The Voice-Activated Market

Voice search is on the rise, with 30 percent of web browsing expected to be screenless by 2024. Voice assistants like Siri, Google Home, Amazon Echo, and Alexa are becoming a part of daily life, with 65 percent of people aged 25-49 performing voice searches daily. The future of voice search includes: 1. Longer Search Queries: Voice searches will be more conversational, with users asking complete questions. Elimination of repeated 'wake' words will make conversations with digital assistants more streamlined. 2. User Intent: Questions with trigger words like 'best,' 'easy,' 'free,' etc., will dominate voice search. Optimizing for broad match keywords and creating FAQ-style content will be essential. 3. Local Search: Local voice searches will increase, with 76 percent of smart speaker users performing local searches weekly. Optimizing for local SEO and registering in local listings will be crucial. The future of voice search will see AI evolving to predict

11 Social Media Mistakes That Businesses Make

Establishing a social media presence is crucial for businesses. However, business owners often make mistakes due to limited time, knowledge, and a lack of clear social media strategy . Common mistakes include: 1. Lack of Coherent Strategy: Posting without a plan can confuse the audience. Create a posting schedule for better engagement. 2. Not Knowing Your Audience: Understand your target demographic to tailor your content and grab their attention. 3. Not Tracking Results: Failing to measure the effectiveness of your social media campaign is a wasted effort. Track metrics like brand mentions, social shares, and engagement. 4. Assuming All Social Media Platforms Are the Same: Each platform has a unique audience. Tailor your content accordingly. 5. Inconsistent Posting: Irregular posting can lead to a loss of interest from your audience. Plan posts in advance. 6. Lack of Personal Touch: Humanize your brand by sharing behind-the-scenes content. 7. Over Promotion: Avoid constant promotion;

Are Google Ads Effective For Your Business In 2023?

As a business owner, generating revenue online is crucial. Google Ads can be a game-changer for your business growth.    Benefits of Google Ads : 1. Quick Branding and Presence: Google Ads can boost your online presence and brand awareness, even if your organic campaign is performing well. 2. No Minimum Investment: There's no minimum investment requirement for Google Ads, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. 3. Stay Ahead of Competition: Outbid your competitors on relevant keywords to steal traffic and leads. Differentiate your value proposition. 4. Massive Reach: Google Display Network and YouTube offer extensive exposure to diverse audiences. 5. Full Campaign Control: Tailor your ad messages to align with sales and adjust campaigns as needed. Use extensions for a comprehensive message. 1. Measurable: Google Ads provides measurable insights through active view technology, helping you target effectively. 2. Flexible: You can choose when to display or stop your ads, ref

How To Measure Your Social Media ROI For The Business

If you're a business owner or digital marketing expert, measuring your social media ROI is essential. Here's how to do it: Steps to Calculate ROI: 1. Set Your Goals: Define clear goals for your social media strategy, focusing on areas like impressions, reach, engagement, leads, conversions, and customer loyalty. 2. Identify Social Media KPIs: Choose Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that align with your goals. For engagement, track clicks, likes, shares, comments, brand mentions, and profile visits. For reach, monitor followers, impressions, traffic data, and share of voice. For leads, use Google Analytics to track potential reach, number of leads, Cost Per Lead (CPL), and Click-Through Rate (CTR). For conversions, measure clicks, Cost Per Acquisition (CPA), sales revenue, and non-revenue conversions. For customer loyalty, assess Customer Acquisition Rate, Customer Attrition Rate, Customer Retention Rate, Customer Wallet Share, Prompt Action, and Customer Lifetime Value. 3. M

Why Local SEO Is Right For Your Business

Local SEO is crucial for businesses seeking to capture customers searching for products and services nearby. It optimizes visibility in local searches, making it vital in a competitive market. It involves strategies like on-page optimization, off-page activities, content, and link building with a localized focus. Key components include claiming local business listings, managing location data, handling online reviews, and location-centric social media marketing. Unlike organic SEO, which targets a broader audience without location focus, local SEO specifically aims to appear in local search results. This matters because customers using local queries typically have an urgent need for a service or product nearby. Google reports that 46% rely on its search for local businesses, and 50% of smartphone users conducting local searches visit a store, highlighting the importance of local SEO for small business. Local SEO ensures your business shows up when customers search for similar services

How To Calculate The ROI Of A Paid Marketing Campaign

When investing in Google ads, achieving the expected ROI is crucial. To evaluate your ad campaign's performance, tracking ROI is essential. This assessment helps determine whether to continue investing in ads or not. To gauge ROI, consult your agency regarding campaign performance metrics such as the number of articles posted, click-through rates, conversions, and audience targeting strategies. Regularly updated marketing dashboards provide valuable data on costs and results, enabling you to adjust your marketing strategy. Focus on key metrics to assess ROI effectively. Key Metrics to Evaluate Your Campaign's Performance: 1. Clicks: Measure the number of ad clicks to understand your ad campaign's traffic and effectiveness. Adjust or stop underperforming ads. 2. CTR (Click Through Rate): Calculate the average number of clicks your campaign gets in a month relative to impressions. A higher CTR indicates better performance. 3. CPC (Cost Per Click): Determine the cost of each c