Why is SEO health check so important in technical SEO?

 You can't improve what you can't measure, and you won't be able to increase your Google ranking if you can't evaluate and assess your site's technical health.

A website's technical health is important since it determines how quick and user-friendly the page is. These are technical SEO aspects that search engines reward by promoting good pages higher in the search results.

The health score is significant since it indicates whether your website was well-designed or poorly-designed. In other words, a high website health score indicates that your site has realized its full technical potential. A low health score indicates that there is room for improvement.

Basically, before doing any further SEO work, you should always check your health score. This is due to the fact that it is unable to compensate for a low health score with, say, outstanding content or link building.

No matter how wonderful the other parts of the website are, a website with a poor health score will not rank well in the search results. It's surely no surprise that newer websites, whose source code is built on current technology, rank higher in search results than older ones in many circumstances.


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